Zunder- Fan-fucking-tastic, but that's not surprising, eh?
DIMB- You've improved greatly, man. Just learn to do the hands right. fo shizzle.
Ernesto- your part was great, it was funny, it was unique.
Gabriel- Blargh. Choppy and boring. Its your same old stuff. Can't you ever improve?
Stemage- Was Great, Original, a little choppy at some parts, but I liked it.
Kingapple- Terrifying. I loved it.
Raptor- Short but sweet.
Sundown- Bad Drawings and some-what bad animation. But the Giant fucking T-rex made up for it.
Cooldude- Fuck ya man. That's what i'm talking about. Short, suspenseful, original.
XXBlinx- To be modest, Your part were the worst out of the collab. They made the collab look... bad? Sorry man. Your a great guy, but when it comes to originality and smoothness, your not the best cookie in the jar.
other comments- Music was somewhat.. unfitting. The ladies voice in the background made the music, sort of, uncomfortable. The Replay button doesn't work for me also. The menu was just fucking amazing. The music fit perfectlly with it. However, clicking the "Watch The credits' button just made the Movie play without playing the credits.
Great movie tho.